The Event of the Century!

January 16, 2000

Michigan's Largest Winter Carnival!
Free Rosco Mini rides from the school parking lots
to the Tip-Up Town site and back to the school.
Sunday January 16th
Tip-Up Town USA site officially opens 11:00 AM
Church Services
At theTip-Up Town site
11:00 AM
Beverage Tent Opens
Twist Contest
Limbo Contest
Dance Contest
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Fishing Contest Weigh-in
at the Tip-Up Town site
10:30 AM-1:00 PM
Games On Ice
FREE Carnival Rides
Monster Truck Rides
Continuous activities for the entire family
Tug of War 12:45 PM
Pie Eating Contest 3:30 PM
Tug of War12:45 PM
Pie Eating Contest 3:30 PM
Softball on Ice 12:00 PM & 2:30 PM
Scavenger Hunt
Register at the Tip-Up Town site
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Radar Run Challenge
On the ice in front of Tip-Up Town
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Horseshoes on the Ice1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Bruno the Clown
2:00 PM
Ice Shanty Decorating Contest
Badge Prizes
Fishing Contest
4:00 PM

Houghton Lake Chamber of Commerce MultiMag Michigan

Copyright ©Houghton Lake Chamber of Commerce 1999